Renewable Energy

The fashion industry can no longer be powered by fossil fuels. The 2021 IPCC report called for immediate, large-scale reductions in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions but current industry-level measures are insufficient. A mass transition to renewable energy is essential.

The fashion and textiles industry contributes significantly to GHG emissions. According to an industry report by our partner Systemiq, the impact occurs primarily through its electricity use in earlier stages of the supply chain such as raw material processing, preparation and assembly.

Accelerating the transition of the fashion industry to renewable energy is a powerful way to decarbonise operations and supply chains. It is also a meaningful way in which collective action can play a transformational role in mitigating climate change.

Accelerating the transition to renewable energy across industry supply chains

Our ambition for the industry is to accelerate the transition from non-renewable to renewable resources across the supply chain. We are starting with a preliminary target of achieving 100% renewable energy across own operations by 2030 while exploring concrete strategies to tackle supply chain related emissions.

Starting with own operations, where companies have full visibility, paves the way for larger-scale collective action on the supply chain level where there is typically less visibility on what actions are being taken.


Collective Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (CVPPA)

The CVPPA is a long-term project that accelerates renewable electricity adoption by investing in new clean energy infrastructure. It aims to add 160,000 MWh per year of renewable electricity to the grid in Europe and is unique for the fashion industry in that it involves companies both large and small working together.

The project serves as an enabler for members to reach their goals for using renewable energy in their own operations.

It is also a testing ground that allows us to work on future programmes to expand geographically, opening up a pathway for increased ambition to start reducing emissions in the supply chain.

Top view of solar panels (solar cell) in solar farm with green tree and sun lighting reflections. Photovoltaic plant field.

Region: Europe

Timeline :

  • 2022: Launch of a European PPA
  • 2024: Building of Solar Assets

Partners: Developed in collaboration with the energy and technical consultancy firms Guidehouse and 2050, with legal support from Baker McKenzie

Learn more here.


Solar panels photovoltaics in solar farm during a cloudy day.

Tools & Resources

The Fashion Pact Taking Stock 2050 & SYSTEMIQ

An analysis identifying levers where the fashion sector can make the biggest impact through a science-based approach. This mapping helped The Fashion Pact to prioritize areas of action where collective approach can bring value. Some of the key findings were energy transition, alternative materials and circular business models. Date of publication: 2020

Leaders Support Package

A guidance aiming to help fashion companies continue and accelerate their progress on climate. Specifically, this guidance sets out to provide clarity on emerging trends, standards, programs and external guidance documents and organizations. Date of publication: 2020

Accelerators Support Package

A guidance aimed for companies in the beginning stages of developing and integrating a holistic climate strategy. Date of publication: 2020

Suppliers Tier 1 Support Package

A document which can be used either by producers, suppliers, or by brands and retailers wanting to work with suppliers to learn more about supply chain action. Date of publication: 2022

Suppliers Tier 2 Support Package

A guidance aiming to help fashion companies get started and accelerate their progress on climate. Specifically, this guidance sets out to present cost-effective climate strategies, provide clarity on the basic steps to develop a climate strategy, a useful overview of related terminology and ideals, and connect you to the right external guidance documents and organizations. Date of publication: 2022

Suppliers Tier 3 Support Package

A guidance aiming to help fashion companies get started and accelerate their progress on climate. Specifically, this guidance sets out to present cost-effective climate strategies, provide clarity on the basic steps to develop a climate strategy, a useful overview of related terminology and ideals, and connect you to the right external guidance documents and organizations. Date of publication: 2022

Suppliers Tier 4 Support Package

A guidance aiming to help fashion companies get started and accelerate their progress on climate. Specifically, this guidance sets out to present cost-effective climate strategies, provide clarity on the basic steps to develop a climate strategy, a useful overview of related terminology and ideals, and connect you to the right external guidance documents and organizations. Date of publication: 2022
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